Discussions Regarding the Preschool Observation Checklist and Evaluation Tool (POCET)

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Activity Idea: Hide the Object

Infant and Toddler QuickSource® reminds us that sensory awareness becomes part of an infant’s life at a very early age. "Playing Peek-a-Boo, placing items in her mouth and becoming aware of her own body parts will eventually help the child support the scientific wonderment of our world."

Here's an activity called Hide the Object that helps children begin to understand patterns involved in simple games. For this activity, you will need a Snuggle Me Tot Supporter (SNUGME) and a set of Soft Squeak Blocks (SQUEAK).

Materials Needed:
Snuggle Me Tot Supporter (SNUGME)
Soft Squeak Blocks (SQUEAK)

Let's Get Started:
1. When a child has reached the point of enjoying games such as Peek-a-Boo, play “Hide the Object.”

2. Take something small and hide it behind the child and ask, “Where did it go? Where is the block?”

3. Also play the game by hiding objects under the infant’s leg, in the infant’s hand, on the infants head (if safe and appropriate, such as an article of clothing).

4. Continue asking the child, even if the child’s skills are not developed enough to locate the object.

Continue playing the game, but squeak the block when it's behind your back to increase the infant's curiosity.

If using POCET™, this activity correlates to Developmental Guideline: ES3: Plays Peek-a-Boo.

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Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Activity Idea: Wocket Pockets

Head Start QuickSource® reminds us that the Literacy Knowledge and Skills domain "refers to the knowledge and skills that lay the foundation for reading and writing, such as understanding basic concepts about books or other printed materials, the alphabet, and letter-sound relationships." Early literacy is the foundation for reading and writing and is considered one of the most important areas for a child's development and learning. Early literacy provides children with an opportunity to explore the world and is a mechanism for learning about topics they enjoy.

Here's an activity called Wocket Pockets that will encourage language development in toddlers. For this activity, you will need sandwich bags, tape, Colorations® Heavyweight Construction Paper (9CP), wood craft sticks (CRAF), Colorations® Chubby Crayons (CRCHB), and There's a Wocket in My Pocket by Dr. Seuss (BKSETE).

Materials Needed:
Sandwich Bags
Colorations® Heavyweight Construction Paper (9CP)
Wood Craft Sticks (CRAF)
Colorations® Chubby Crayons (CRCHB)
There's a Wocket in My Pocket by Dr. Seuss (BKSETE)

Let's Get Started:
1. Read There's A Wocket in My Pocket. Emphasize the silly rhymes and words the children know that rhyme.

2. Encourage the children to create a creature using a rhyme they made up, or the children can use their imagination to draw their own version of a "wocket." The sillier the rhyme and creature, the better.

3. Tape a Popsicle stick to the back of each child's creature to create a simple stick puppet. Then put on a show!

4. You can make a pocket for the "wockets" by taping three edges of the sandwich bag to construction paper. Leave the top zip side open.

Play with rhymes throughout the day. Sing "Willaby Wallaby Woo" by Raffi.

If using POCET™, this activity corresponds with the devlopmental guidelines shown in LT4: Shows Awareness that Words Can Begin with the Same Sound.

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Wednesday, February 01, 2012

Activity Idea: Painting Without a Brush

Kindergarten QuickSource® reminds us that the fine arts "support all areas of development and allows the child to foster creativity and imagination." Children can express thoughts and feelings by painting a picture, dancing, or singing a song.

Here's an activity called Painting Without a Brush that will help children to explore different artistic mediums. For this activity, you will need a Sponge Painting Kit (SPOKIT), Colorations® Simply Washable Tempera Paint (SWT16) or BioColor® Paints (BIO16), and 12x18" sheets of Extra Sturdy Tagboard (12WT).

Materials Needed:
Sponge Painting Kit (SPOKIT)
Colorations® Simply Washable Tempera Paint (SWT16)
BioColor® Paints (BIO16)
Extra Sturdy Tagboard (12WT)

Let's Get Started:
1. Give each child a large piece of paper that works well with paint.

2. Place the different colors of paint in a covered area with easy access for the children.

3. Place the various painting tools on a tray. Have the children experiment, using different items to spread the paint on the paper.

Extend this activity further by allowing children to create a 3-dimensional mural with other craft mediums.

If using POCET™, this activity correlates to Developmental Guideline: CA5: Explores Drawing, Painting and Modeling with Different Materials and Media.

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