Discussions Regarding the Preschool Observation Checklist and Evaluation Tool (POCET)

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Activity Idea: Love Our Families!

February is Black History Month, and it's a perfect time to use POCET™ to help "children build their understanding of diversity in culture, family structure, ability, language, age, and gender in non-stereotypical ways." (NAEYC Accreditation Standards - Social/Emotional)

Preschool QuickSource® reminds us that "by nurturing children's self concept, teachers help them feel accepted and valued by the people who are most important to them."

Love Our Families! is an activity that encourages recognizing similarities and respecting differences among people. For this activity you will need: butcher paper, construction paper, or drawing paper, and art materials (including crayons, markers, pipe cleaners, and glue).

Prior to the activity, discuss with the children that families can be made up of parents and many children, or one child and one parent/caregiver, or in many other combinations.

Let's get started:
1. Give each child a piece of paper and art supplies.

2. Have each child draw the members of his/her family and help them label each person and/or pet.

3. Encourage the children to present their family portrait to the class.

If using POCET™, this activity correlates to Developmental Guideline: SE9 Shows Awareness of Individual Family Composition.

Use music and books to supplement this activity and expand your classroom's understanding of cultural diversity. (Putumayo World Playground and Ethnic Food Board Books)

For more developmentally-appropriate activities, visit Teacher QuickSource® and browse through all age areas, including Preschool, Kindergarten, Infant, Toddler, and Head Start. Don't forget to explore activities promoting environmental awareness at Environmental QuickSource® , too.

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