Discussions Regarding the Preschool Observation Checklist and Evaluation Tool (POCET)

Wednesday, June 06, 2012

Activity Idea: Recharge Your Battery

Kindergarten QuickSource® reminds us that Physical Health and Safety supports a child’s overall education and growth by promoting a child’s physical health and development. You can plan activities that involve fine and gross motor development and by teaching good nutrition and hygiene.

Here's an activity called Recharge Your Battery that will help children recognize healthy foods and the importance of caring for their bodies. For this activity, you will need a My Pyramid Food Banner (USDA), a Food Group Sorting Set (FGSS), a set of Life-Size Fruits and Veggies (FOODSET), and a Build a Healthy Plate Chart (PLACEMAT).

Materials Needed:
My Pyramid Food Banner (USDA)
Food Group Sorting Set (FGSS)
Life-Size Fruits and Veggies (FOODSET)
Build a Healthy Plate Chart (PLACEMAT)

Let's Get Started:
1. Show the children the vehicle (or flashlight) that is used and how it works.

2. Remove the battery from the item. Show the children that now it does not work because it does not have any energy to make it work.

3. Explain that our bodies are very similar to the vehicle. If we don’t put healthy food in our body, it will act like the battery has been removed and we will have no energy.

4. Using the food pyramid and the plastic food, show the children healthy and unhealthy foods and help them determine in which group each food would belong.

5. Encourage the children to make good choices to keep their batteries charged.

Furthermore....Have the children show how they have energy when they eat healthy foods and how they do not have energy when they eat unhealthy foods.

If using POCET™, this activity correlates to Developmental Guideline PH5: Demonstrates Independence in Hygiene and Nutrition.

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